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Cloud gaming with the Xbox app on your smart TV
Get set up for cloud gaming on your smart TV. Tips. Connect a controller to your smart TV. Find out how to connect a Bluetooth controller to your smart TV. Manage your Xbox subscription. Game Pass Ultimate or a supported free to play game is required for cloud gaming. See what else you can do to get the most out of your subscription.
Outlook notifications aren't working - Microsoft Support
If you set up your notifications in Outlook, but find they're not working, check your status in Teams and check the notification settings in Windows. With new Outlook, system settings can occasionally interfere with notification delivery. Check status in Teams. Make sure your status in Teams isn't set to Do not disturb.
适用于: 新的 Outlook for Windows
如何将 Xbox 强制措施通知给你 | Xbox Support
来自 Xbox 的通知会自动发送到你的 Xbox 消息中,可以在主机、Xbox.com 和其他用于连接到 Xbox 网络的设备上接收。. 在这封电子邮件中,你将会收到通用通知,了解发布的强制措施,以及了解更多信息的链接。. 注意 如果你的个人资料具有在 Xbox 360 上颁发的暂停或 ...
Change your gamertag on Xbox One - Microsoft Support
Your Xbox gamertag is created for you the first time you sign in. If you don’t like it, you can change it once for free. Here’s a way to do it on your Xbox One console: Press the Xbox button on your controller, then select System > Settings > Personalization > My profile > Customize profile.
How to install the latest version of DirectX - Microsoft Support
DirectX is a set of components in Windows that allows software, primarily and especially games, to work directly with your video and audio hardware. Games that use DirectX can use multimedia accelerator features built-in to your hardware more efficiently which improves your overall multimedia experience. Check which version of DirectX is installed.
Error 8015D002 occurs when signing in to Xbox Live on your Xbox 360
Solution 1: Verify your Microsoft account security information. Sign in to your Microsoft account. Note If you forgot your password or can’t sign in using your password, try the Lost Password Solution. Under Security & Privacy, click Change password & more.
Show your hybrid-work location, availability to meet, work hours, and ...
Your profile card makes it easier for people in your organization (including guest accounts) to quickly get an overview of your online status, the next available time to meet, work hours, local time, and work location (office or remote). Here's an example of how availability appears on a profile card: Your Teams status.
How to add new Xbox friends | Xbox Support
Friends are people whom you want to interact with through party chat, messaging, games, and view their activity feed. By adding a gamer as a friend, you become their follower until they also add you as a friend. You can have up to 1,000 Xbox friends. Followers are people who want to view your activity feed updates.
隱私權與安全性 | 隱私設定 | Skype 支援
您的電子郵件地址和電話號碼可讓您的朋友和家人在 Skype 中更輕鬆地與您聯繫。 我們會要求您驗證您的電子郵件地址和電話號碼,以確保它們屬於您且正確無誤。 如果您尚未驗證您的電子郵件地址或電話號碼,您可能無法透過該資訊在 Skype 中搜尋。 如果您想要的話, 您可以退出宣告搜尋.注意:您的 Skype... 為什麼所有人都可以電腦版 Skype 中與我聯絡? 在 Windows、Mac、Linux、Web 上的 Skype 和 Windows 10 版 Skype (版本 14) 中,您的家人朋友可以立即與您聊天,您也可以。 深入瞭解如何選擇不顯示在 Skype 搜尋結果中。 當有人第一次聯繫您時,您可以選擇接受或封鎖那人的訊息和來電。 ...
Dukungan Skype untuk Skype untuk Android | Dukungan Skype
Dukungan Skype di sini untuk membantu Anda menjawab semua pertanyaan Anda tentang Skype untuk Android. Panggilan darurat terbatas Skype bukan pengganti telepon Anda dan memiliki kemampuan panggilan darurat terbatas tergantung pada negara Anda.